How to make my battery last through winter ...?
To take good care of your scooter battery during the winter, it is recommended to follow the following steps:
1. Fully charge the battery before storing it.
2. Store the scooter in a dry and ventilated area.
3. Disconnect the battery from the scooter if you are not using it for an extended period of time.
4. Check the battery regularly and charge it as needed.
5. Consider purchasing a battery maintenance charger to keep the battery in top condition.
Keep in mind that scooter battery life can be shortened by extreme weather conditions, such as long periods of cold temperatures.
At United Scooters, we can offer full advice on how best to care for your battery. If you want to sleep on two ears, pop in for trickle charger. And if you really need to, you can come to us for a new battery.